Monday, April 5, 2010

Like Whipping Up A Good Mayonnaise...

You might be thinking, "What the heck is up with the title of this blog?"  But let me just say it's very relative to what I have to say.  I'm reading a new book; Lunch In Paris by Elizabeth Bard, (amazing by the way, I can't put it down).  Anyhow she relates mayonnaise to charm; this is what she says...
"Charm, it turns out-like whipping up a good mayonnaise-is very much an acquired skill."
And I totally agree.  Making mayonnaise takes a type of finesse, in which you wait for each ingredient to come together to perfectly make a cloud-like substance which can be added to anything for slight flavor.  If you have the perfect amount of mayonnaise, you can have the perfect sandwich, side to fish or even dipping sauce.  But too much mayonnaise can leave things soggy, leaving anything you eat overpowered by the mayonnaise's taste.  Or you can even have not enough and it leaves you wanting more.

Charming a crowd is very similar to the art of creating the perfect mayonnaise.  If you charm a crowd, and give them just enough, well then it's a success.  But you don't want to over-saturate the crowd, leaving them annoyed and with a bitter-taste in their mouthes.  Charm-like mayonnaise-has a balance.  I guess we can all work on our mayonnaise and our charm skills...I know I can.

Love and Peace,

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