Friday, April 23, 2010

Getting Through the Desert...

Sometimes life is too much to handle.  And for me, I feel like what I'm dealing with is way beyond my maturity level.

 I feel as if I've been placed in a desert, and I all I'm seeing is mirage's of what used to be.  I'm starving for any answers as if I were starving for water.  My eyes burn from the constant flow of tears that emerge; and my lips are chapped from the explaining of one's heart.

I just keep telling myself to not wander, to get through the desert rather than be decimated by it.  I've been blessed with beautiful people around me, who love me enough to sit with me and let me cry, be angry and most of all just let me sleep.  It's during those times that I'm at a wonderful watering hole if you will.  One step closer to getting out of the desert and into a place of purpose and assurance.

Life is a desert at times, and often times we let the winds keep us down.  But I'm praying more than ever that God will deliver us from this bondage.  And I have confidence that He's getting us through this desert, one heavy step at a time...

Love and Coveted Peace,

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