Monday, March 22, 2010

Common Bond...

So I was so sad tonight because it was the last meeting for my Stained bible study group.  But we all went to dinner discussing how and when we could meet again.  We all felt the urgency to create and continue a time for each other.

Accountability is an amazing thing.  These girls and I have met for over 6 months and we all click.  The dynamic our group has is unbelievable and the common bond is that of Christ.  I often wondered if any of us would've met if we didn't have our Lord as the common denominator.  That's the amazing thing about God.  He totally constructs the world around us; knowing each individual He will place in every nook and cranny of our lives.  It's amazing to know we have a God who cares so much about us that He gives us precious brothers and sisters.

I love these girls with all my heart, and am extremely blessed to call them sisters and friends.  I get the feeling that we will stay close for a long time.  Because honestly we would all have withdraws from our random discussions, times of laughter, tears and smiles.  Love you ladies!

Love and Amazing Peace,

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