Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's Hard Sometimes...

I'm being perfectly honest, when does it get any less hard?!  I mean one thing after the other, after the other.

As I was doing my study this morning I was reading about Potiphar's wife; aka the woman who literally tried pulling Joseph into bed with her.  Now while I can honestly say I can't stand women who lure men into bed; I also can't stand a man who doesn't runaway.  I respect Joseph because he did his best to avoid her.  But like any snake, she waited for her next opportunity.

And then I was thinking to myself how often I have to keep my mind in check and break the habit of fantasizing about relationships I wish I had.

Potiphar's wife was surrounded by luxury and yet she was spiritually impoverished.  Her soul was steadily decaying through the corrosive power of lust and hate; and not only that she was empty of God; yet full of herself.  After reading about her, why would I want to be anything like her?

That is where the Lord's help comes in!!!

Psalm 51:10-Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

I'm thankful for a God who shows us what is right and also gives us the strength to resist temptation.  I pray that we would all increase our hunger for the Lord, so that He will create in us a pure heart, one that He will find irresistibly beautiful.

Love and Peace,

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